Happy 5 Months, Aiden!!!
I cannot believe that my little boy is already 5 months old. I thought time flew by fast when he was 1-2 months old... now I feel like it's passing by at warp speed! It is absolutely amazing to watch Aiden grow and reach new milestones!! Lots of updates to give!!
We celebrated Vic's first Father's Day on June 19th. Aiden and Rocky bought Daddy nine holes of golf with Uncle Mark and we spent the evening with Vic's family. All in all a very nice day. I bought Aiden a special Father's Day shirt for him to wear... can you believe I totally forgot to take a picture of Daddy and Aiden together? Sorry, Daddy!!
Here are a few more recent pictures of our happy boy.
Aiden cheesin'
Aiden loves his Baby Einstein bear. He spends lots of time babbling to it!
Sitting up for Mommy!
Now that Aiden is a lot bigger and has much better head and neck control, we decided to start opening more of the toys I received at my baby shower. We started with the Baby Einstein Around the World Entertainer. Poor Aiden, he's not quite long enough to actually propel himself around (his feet still hang), but he loves all the different colors and toys. I wondering if it is a bit overstimulating.... check out the video below. He seems interested... doesn't he?
Just a couple of weeks ago we started Aiden on solids. I was a bit hesitant to begin, especially since many say you shouldn't start until they are 6 months, but the pediatrician seemed to think he's ready and Aiden started staring at us while we eat.. so I figured it didn't hurt to try it out. We started with rice cereal, but had to switch to oatmeal when my poor baby got constipated on it! When we called the pediatrician she said, "oh yes, rice cereal can be binding"... then why the heck start babies on it!?
Here's a cute before picture of Aiden... he's content.. and clean.
Yum yum, Aiden!! Here's a quick clip of his first couple of bites.
Now that we've been feeding him for a couple of weeks now, he seems to be taking to solids much better. We're still only giving him a couple of teaspoons a day since my goal right now is just for him to get used to eating from a spoon. I can't wait to start introducing different flavors and textures!
Aiden has also become much more tactile with his toys. He's starting to grab, mouth, and cling to everything. I love that I can give him a toy and he can entertain himself for a pretty good amount of time. One of my mom's friends gave Aiden this super cute teddy bear that I had been keeping on a shelf in his room. I noticed recently that Aiden would sometimes glance at it... so I gave it to him. Here's what he did.
So cute!! I could lie and say that Aiden is giving the bear a kiss (wouldn't that be so sweet!?), but he's actually gnawing on the poor bear's ear. =)
Another milestone... DRUMROLL PLEASE.....
Hooray, Aiden!! The big roll!!! This is one of his more seasoned ones. It took him awhile to get here. But now that he's rolling more consistently, he's quite the mover!! We really have to keep an eye on him so he doesn't roll off of anything and I'm pretty nervous at night. Aiden learned to roll from back to front first and is still not great at rolling the other way around. So at night, I'm terrified that he'll roll onto his stomach and smother himself! Needless to say, Mommy hasn't been getting much sleep lately.
Aiden is becoming such an active little boy. He's gaining more control over his body and engaging with the environment around him. He is constantly "talking" to those around him and is such a friendly baby. Everything he does involves a giggle and a smile!
All this activity makes Aiden one tired little boy!!!
I couldn't love anything more. <3