Thursday, September 25, 2014

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

It's hard to believe the Summer is over and Fall is here! (Especially since Mother Nature is having a hard time deciding what season it really is). We had a great end of the summer and are excited to jump into some of our annual Fall activities... but not without a quick recap of the last days of Summer Sun!

Montgomery County Fair
The kids loved the rides and games at the beach so much, we figured they'd enjoy the annual County fair. We were right! Mady was too little to ride the rides, which was a good thing since Aiden had absolutely no interest in them after seeing all of the fun carnival games. We spent the entire time watching Aiden throw rings, fish for sharks, throw balls, look for ducks... and repeat them all again. Aiden's favorite game was the ball toss to win a goldfish. I had a grand idea that it would be fun to take a live goldfish home with us, so Daddy was recruited for the job. We bought a huge basket of balls and we let the kids go at it with him. Appears I recruited the wrong man for the job! Daddy didn't sink a single ball, but Aiden won us 5 fish! Go Buddy!! There was no way we were taking 5 fish home (geez, I only wanted one), so we gave 3 of them away to kids that didn't win any and our family grew by 2... little fish. Aiden and Mady were tickled.

Here are some fun pics of the kids in action:

Aiden at the goldfish game

Winner winner! He loved his new fish so much, I had to keep a close eye on them to make sure he didn't squish them!

Mady joining in on the fun

The fair also had firetrucks and ambulances there for kids to visit. Aiden loved climbing into the firetruck and talking to the firemen all about their important job!

Mady, on the other hand, was less than thrilled.

*** Of note, our poor carnival fish only lived for about a day after we brought them home. We put them in a bowl in the kitchen and while playing in the family room Aiden ran over and asked "Mommy, why is the fish sleeping when the sun is out?". Uh oh.. not a good sign... and alas, one of the fish had perished... So Daddy flushed them both. Eh, we'll get them better ones from the pet store next time. (I didn't want to get into the whole death and dying thing with Aiden, so I told him the fish went to find their mother. He was satisfied with that answer-- don't judge me.)

Baltimore Aquarium
The kids love fish, so we try to take any chance we get to take them to the Aquarium. I'm itching to have one of Aiden's birthday parties there. Just as we expected, the kids loved it. We picked a great day to go too, it wasn't very crowded at all!

Here are some pics from the day:


The kids stood in front of this tank for the longest time. Vic and I probably could have gone and grabbed some lunch.. they would have never noticed.

Running to see the dolphins!

National Zoo
Aiden had been asking for weeks to go to the zoo. I think it stemmed from an episode of Bubble Guppies that he watched, but when he says "Mommy, if I'm a good boy, can we go to the zoo?", how can you say no? So off we went.

We must have picked the HOTTEST day to go. We were melting. Aiden kept asking for ice cream, so we thought Dippin Dots might be fun! Aiden wasn't too interested... but...

Mady sure was!! 

The kids most enjoyed the bird exhibit (which, thank GOODNESS, was in an air conditioned building)... so we stayed here for quite some time and let the kids run around for a bit and cool off.

Oh, hello there!

Grandpa Gordon's Birthday
Happy birthday, Grandpa Gordon! Even though the kids don't get to see him that often, I love that they play so nicely with him and freely give him hugs whenever they see him.  I know it makes him very happy.

Sitting in Grandpa Gordon's chair!

More Pics from the Summer:

Mady trying to blow the block out like Uncle Brian taught her... she's very pleased with herself!

Mady loves light switches!

Dr. Mady making a house call


Hot summer days = water table fun!

The kids love playing with Grandpa!

Daddy and his mini-me

Mady combing big brother's hair after a bath

My little artists!

Eh, just some light reading before bed

Driveway chalk art! 

Aiden showing off their work!

First Day of Preschool
The end of summer also means the start of school! Aiden started his 2nd year of Preschool in August as a Terrapin (moving up from the Roosters classroom). I was so nervous about the transition. Aiden had been having a hard time with drop off in the morning and seemed bummed when he had to go to school. But his new class is great!! Not a single tear! 

Here's my little man before school. This year he said he wanted to be a "Superhero" when he grew up and that his favorite color was green. 

First real big boy backpack!

Working hard at school. He loves his new teachers, Ms Carla and Ms Mary. They're working on letters, phonics, and so many new things. Aiden still loves music with Ms Stephanie the best!

 We went to back to school night and got to see some of Aiden's art work:

I'm not sure if Aiden is hinting at something with his family picture.. but let's just say that extra little boy is Rocky.

Summer 2014 has been a blast and we're ready for the Fun Fall brings! Apple picking, the pumpkin festival, Halloween, and Thanksgiving!!! Can't wait!

** Just a little addition: Had to share this post from Auntie Elizabeth so that I'd always remember it. The kids are growing up way too fast... Time, please slow down!