Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Aiden!

Happy 4th Birthday, Aiden!!!

Ok, I say this every year (ok, maybe every post)... where does the time go!? On January 25th we celebrated Aiden's 4th birthday... the big 4!!

We threw Aiden a small birthday party at Kidville again this year. We love Kidville: super fun, super nice staff, and I don't have to do a thing except for pick what we want for the party. Aiden and his little guests all had a great time!

Ball play!

My little man braved the zipline again this year! Loved it!

Dance party with the Rockin' Railroad Band!


Aiden was so happy hearing everyone sing Happy Birthday to him and he loved blowing out the candle on his number 4 cake!

Our best attempt at a family picture. Not sure if Aiden ate something sour or if that was a strange version of his fake smile.

Mady and Ava, fast friends!

Our little Mady, so different from Aiden who is more reserved and cautious. Here she is... just hanging around. :)

Birthday boy with all his gifts! Our friends and family were so generous, he's so spoiled!

His birthday celebration continued the next day, which was his actual birthday. We celebrated with cupcakes and a train ride at the mall!

And even more celebrating at school that week!

Happy birthday, handsome!

My little 4 year old. Getting so big and so smart. Sometimes he says the funniest things, especially when he's trying to reason with us. He has a sharp memory, especially when it comes to remembering whether or not we promised marshmallows after dinner but not so much when asking where he left something. He's at the age where he's trying to reason with us, but still remains such a good natured and kind hearted little boy. His smile is infectious and his giggle makes me laugh every time.

Right now Aiden is very much into Despicable Me and Minions! He's constantly asking to watch it and loves dancing to the fun songs throughout. He's our little entertainer, dancing and singing all over the house. We've put him in a couple of sports classes over the past few months, but nothing he seems overly excited about (he does not like soccer, but doesn't seem to mind football). I can't wait until it gets warmer and we can start swim classes again!

Aiden will be starting full time preschool in the fall in preparation for **gulp** Kindergarten in 2016! Much to our delight, he's becoming a bit more confident in himself and eager to try things on his own (especially the potty-- thumbs up!). I'm hoping full time Preschool will help give him a little more of a boost in that direction.

Some fun pics of Aiden!

His Mr Potato Heads are much more Mr-like, versus his earlier creations with ears coming out of eye holes, etc.

Seriously, he's so handsome. <3 p="">

Silly faces!


My pretty little girl will be 2 in just a few months. She's growing into her own with quite a personality to match! She definitely knows how to work the room in her favor, she knows that she is adorable, and has developed the sweetest heart. She loves giving hugs and kisses!

Mady is our active one, loves to jump and run around, is a bit of a daredevil, and can throw and catch a ball better than Aiden! She also loves to dance, listen to music, and blow bubbles. Her vocabulary has increased quite a bit since Christmas, she's starting to put words together and string them into a phrase, though her favorite means of communication is either pointing at what she wants or sticking her hand out so you can give her what she wants. She's like her Mommy in that she loves eating junk, especially candy! She is so much fun and already has a great imagination and loves playing pretend. She also loves playing Hide and Seek, I love how she says "hide!".

Mady will be starting part time Preschool in the Fall. So sad, they'll both be off to school. How did that happen?

Clearly on a very important call.

Mady's first Mr Potato head! Nice work!

Seriously, how can you not love this face?!

Aiden and Mady

I now firmly believe that the best gift I could have ever given to Aiden and Mady is each other. While they have their moments, they love each other so much and genuinely (I think) enjoy playing with one another. Sharing is still a bit of an issue, but for every time they refuse to share, there are at least 2 times where they freely give the other one what they want- sometimes without the other even asking! They have started sympathizing and protecting each other- Aiden yells "no!" or "stop!" if we're scolding Mady and Mady says "oh no!" when Aiden is upset and always gives him her Panda bear (big deal over here) or a hug. I'm so glad that they will always have one another to rely on.

Some cute pics of my two peas in a pod!

I love how Mady is looking at her big brother in this picture. Such love!


Racing cars! One of Aiden's favorite things to do!

Tea time?


Yes, those are post-it notes. I told Aiden he "could have one", I think he thought I meant one whole pad... which ended up all over the kitchen. At least they had fun sticking them on!

Being silly!

2015 is already off to a great start and we have so many things to look forward to in the coming months!

These two... heart overflowing.