Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 15

Hooray! Aiden is officially 2 weeks old. It's absolutely amazing how much he changes every day. He's much more alert now, constantly looking around and absorbing his new environment. Rocky returned home on Monday (thanks, Uncle Brian, for watching him for 2 weeks!) and is still trying to figure out what Aiden is. I don't think Rocky even noticed him at first, but as soon as Aiden started crying Rocky was very confused. This will definitely be a period of transition for our pooch, but I think that he will do well... he better!!!

We've finally reached a point where Aiden and Mommy don't have to go to the doctor every other day!! Since we've returned home, either me or Aiden have had to go for checkups each day (him for his bilirubin and weight checks, me for my blood pressure). Happy to report that our little Bugaboo is now 6 lbs 1 oz (past his birth weight, yay!) and his jaundice is noticeably less. Mommy's blood pressure is still a bit high, but being controlled with medication. I'll return back to my doctor in a few weeks to see if some more tweaking needs to be done... hopefully as my hormones normalize, so will my pressure.

Vic and I are starting to get a pretty consistent daytime routine down... well, at least getting better going with the flow. For those that know me, I am a planner... always wanting to be prepared for whatever is next. Being a new Mommy is definitely making me realize that it's ok to just wing it sometimes! Now if we could just figure out a good night time routine...

Vic goes back to work next week after being home with Mommy and Aiden for 3 weeks! We've definitely been spoiled and have enjoyed having Daddy around to help out. We'll see how it goes flying solo during the day!!

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